About Travel


The meaning of long-distance traveling is never about how many miles you traveled, or how many countries you have been to, or how many selfie pictures you took with the scenic spots, but all about all those different people you meet. Through communication and cultural exchange, we are influenced by each other, so as to understand more the diversity of this world, which always consists of different cultures, religions, backgrounds, languages, orientations, races, history, politics, systems … And eventually you will wake up from the jungle, realizing how naive and ignorant you are, living in the same city, knowing the same kinds of people, being educated the same way, being brainwashed as one single type of robot, being controlled by those fucking greedy businessmen and politicians in our diet, healthcare, transportation, goods, accomodation, and freedom. When you realize all these shitty systems, some people or I should say the majority choose to conform the society PEACEFULLY, but I don’t, I would like to explore more, with my own will, to feel the world which is supposed to be full of love and freedom, to learn how to treasure more myself and people around me, to live fully.

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